I’ve been making some major updates to my activity mapping project. It remains a pet project that I plan to continue updating in my spare time. Originally it was a simple jQuery front-end, with a NodeJS Express back-end that handled authorisation and calls to the Strava API. The mapping just showed all of an athlete’s…
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A while ago I was horrified to find out that some of my favourite local restaurants have terrible Food Hygiene Ratings. Since then my wife and I have been obsessively checking hygiene ratings every time we go out to eat, invariably narrowing our choices. The UK Food Standards Agency provides a web page to search…
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The UK Government and Parliament Petition website provides the British public with the ability to obtain government responses on issues they care about. All petitions that surpass 10,000 signatures receive a government response, whilst those that surpass 100,000 signatures are considered for debate in Parliament. The government has made all petition data available through an…
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In my spare time I love to get outdoors to go running, hiking, cycling, swimming, and climbing. I also love to keep track of my activities and the places I have been. This app uses a NodeJS Express backend and OAuth to pull activity data from the Strava API. The frontend uses LeafletJS and jQuery…
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